Employment Law Updates in Germany and the United Kingdom

HSP Group is committed to informing you about the ever-evolving landscape of global employment law. We understand that staying updated on legislative changes is crucial for your business operations.  Below, you’ll find an overview of the recent employment law updates in Germany and the United Kingdom. We highlight the key changes and offer recommendations on navigating these developments […]

Legislative Employment Changes in Australia and France

HSP’s mission is to offer our partners complete end-to-end global expansion guidance and support. As part of that work, we closely monitor and communicate to our clients any significant, active changes in legislation that can potentially impact business operations. Last month, we wrote about employment changes in Hong Kong, Ireland, and the UK. This month, […]

Legislative Employment Changes in the UK, Ireland, and Hong Kong

As part of HSP’s commitment to providing our customers with full end-to-end global expansion guidance and support, we closely monitor and track all potential and active legislative changes that could potentially impact our clients around the world. This month, we’re focusing on three countries that have seen significant changes in employment legislation: Hong Kong, Ireland, […]

4 Key EoR to Entity Transition Considerations in 2024

If you’re currently using EoR to hire employees overseas, you already know that this solution can help you sidestep the complexity of the legal, financial, and regulatory requirements involved in overseas hiring. However, EoR is not a permanent hiring solution for most companies. For legal and compliance reasons – and the high cost – EoR […]

The Importance of Global HR Administration

HR Administration plays a vital role in all company sizes, from reinforcing company culture to ensuring the required basics, such as pay and recruitment, are taken care of.

In this blog, we delve into the importance of Global HR Administration, otherwise known as Global HR Support, with a particular focus on why these activities (and the provision of these services) should be a core consideration for those that are operating overseas or looking to start their global expansion journeys.

Conquer the Biggest Challenges of Global HR Administration

International expansion is like an equation with countless and growing variables. Although the addition of each jurisdiction and employee shows your organization is doing well, growth tends to make global human resource administration more complex.