The State of 2024 Global Expansion Service Providers: Pros and Cons

Getting ready to expand your company into another country is exciting but can also be overwhelming. A key part of your ability to manage your global expansion successfully is how you choose and manage the different services—from employer of record (EoR) or entity set-up to HR and accounting—that you’ll need to start a business in […]

Cross-Border Carve-Outs: Essential Tax Implications

Part Three: Tax Implications  To conclude our three-part series on cross-border carve-outs, our experts delve into tax-related activities associated with this specific type of business transaction.  From exploring the complexities of setting up a local bank account overseas to debunking the common misconceptions of tax compliance, this final blog will wrap up the series with […]

Data Security: Zellis Breach and Ensuring Regulatory Compliance

Data breaches once again made the headlines last week. In late May, we saw the GDPR rule-breaking of Meta (Facebook), leading to the imposition of a €1.2 billion fine (subject to an appeal), and now there is a potentially disastrous breach of private information held by companies in the UK (United Kingdom).  To date, several major household […]

Meta/Facebook fined $1.3 Billion for Breaches of the GDPR

2 Key Steps to Take to Avoiding a Similar Fate The complications of avoiding breaches relating to the European Union GDPR were again laid bare this week. Meta’s platform Facebook received a record-breaking fine totaling $1.3 billion (1.2 billion EURO) imposed this week by Ireland’s Data Protection regulator, sending shockwaves around global business circles. Regulators […]

GateWay: Your Global Growth Management Solution

Are you interested in finding out more about our new global expansion management platform, GateWay?  With so many features to explore and an endless number of benefits for customers, Sam Sengupta, VP, Product, at HSP Group, further outlined some of the key takeaways of the software to give you a better understanding of what to […]

Everything you Need to Know about Legal Entity Rationalization

If you’re currently in a position where you are reviewing your business performance, especially if you are operating internationally, and you’re noticing unnecessary expenditures and drains on resources, then legal entity rationalization may be a profitable and effective solution for you moving forwards. To give you further insight into this area of business management, we’ve […]

Managing Cross Border Compliance Risks | Part 2

Following on from part 1, Emine Constantin, one of our experts at HSP, has discussed some of the core aspects of cross border compliance, and how to efficiently and effectively manage these areas to keep you trading without unnecessary complications.    

Managing Cross Border Compliance Risks | Part 1

When expanding your business into different countries, there are many areas to consider, and cross border compliance is one of the most important things to get right, or else you may be faced with hefty fines and penalties that can halt your global business expansion journey.    With varying rules and regulations in each country, keeping […]

Every Effective Payroll Strategy Needs These 3 Features

Whether hiring overseas for the first time or scaling your global presence, the right approach can eliminate common payroll challenges  Payroll processing involves a lot more than meets the eye. Multiplied by several countries and different vendors, it quickly becomes clear how important a cohesive payroll strategy is to effective management. We have addressed the […]

Are You Absolutely Sure Your Payroll Is GDPR Compliant?

The EU/UK GDPR (universally accepted worldwide as the gold standard for data protection and privacy) demands a lot more than many US companies realize. It may sound like an exaggeration, but it’s a fact: no company can handle GDPR compliance without specialist assistance. The EU’s most significant legislation leaves no room for error. You’re either […]

Using Email to Manage Global Payroll Data? Don’t.

Lack of secure communication is common, elevating the risk of both breaches and noncompliance when managing payrolls across the globe For all the news about data breaches and million-dollar fines for data privacy violations, a surprisingly large number of companies still send emails that include Personal Identifiable Information (PII). In some cases, the practice may […]

Conquer the Biggest Challenges of Global HR Administration

International expansion is like an equation with countless and growing variables. Although the addition of each jurisdiction and employee shows your organization is doing well, growth tends to make global human resource administration more complex. 

2023 Countdown: 6 Global Operations Compliance Questions

Preparing now by identifying and rectifying potential issues is important to your success in the coming year As we come to the end of the compliance year, January can be a challenging time for leaders of global operations. These are six critical areas related to global operations compliance that you want to make sure you […]

GDPR explained for Global Businesses

What is GDPR? The General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) is a directive under European Union (EU) law addressing data protection and privacy in the EU and the wider European Economic Area (EEA) linking the EU member states with the three European Free Trade Association states (Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway), as well as the transfer […]