One Size Doesn’t Fit All In International Expansion


A Tailor-Made Approach

I’m the son of a Bespoke Savile Row Tailor. From an early age I’ve had impressed on me the benefits of made-to-measure versus “off-the-shelf” attire. What stood out clearly was the mesmerizing obsession with the Quality of the deliverable. This was paired with the provision of an impeccable Client Experience, and the overwhelmingly positive undertaking each customer felt. A world that shunned the words “quick and dirty” or “acceptable” , and admired excellence and superior service.

The personal attention customers received amazed me. The attention directly led to client loyalty. By being a part of the process, they overcame what they perceived were challenges in personal physiques or nuances in shapes and were proactively led by their tailor, fully confident in his or her expertise to provide them with the best outcome.

Fast forward 20 years. I find myself striving to create that same positive Client Experience and obsession with Quality in Global Payroll and International Expansion.

The Move to Global Expansion

As a leader of Global Implementation teams, I have witnessed a frequently recurring theme of the vendor-centric “One-Size-Fits-Allonboarding models.  Scalability and profitability are undoubtedly what tends to drive this approach. What I see, time and time again, is that low cost “our way or the high-way” approaches more often than not result in delays, unsatisfied and frustrated clients, poor quality delivery, and low client retention. The “off-the-shelf” solution is rarely correct. It often leads to that feeling of “this is not what I thought I paid for,” resulting in additional costs and missed deadlines.

International Expansion Projects and Global Transitions are complex, with many moving parts and changing laws and requirements in each jurisdiction. Clients tend to underestimate and oversimplify rollouts, and they look to their vendors to provide the expertise.

The HSP Difference

This is where companies must couple Expertise with Client Experience. At HSP Group, we built a value proposition that turns the common approach on its head. Instead of dropping clients into Onboarding post-contract signature, we work with clients to understand their current landscape and assist them in asking questions they may not know to ask – all before the contract is ever signed.  We work together with our clients to design a solution and build a model that will support and adapt to their specific realities and constraints, rather than force them to adapt to ours. We ask and advise as a trusted partner:

  • What is your end goal? What are you trying to achieve?
  • What are your challenges and realities”
  • Have you considered all the steps necessary to reach your goal?
  • How are you organized, and how will you manage this transition?

Based on this consultative, client-centric approach, we tailor our onboarding models to meet our clients’ needs and expectations, offering one of the below approaches to transition:

1.      LITE Model: High level coordination, applying a proactive approach and industry best practices.

2.      STANDARD Model: Senior Project & Program Managers, with a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) supporting the client throughout.

3.      BESPOKE Model: Our entirely customizable solution. From Regional Project Managers, to lending our resources to clients for support as a Client Project Manager to perform and manage their internal governance and actions, or administrative staff to perform client activities, and much more. And this extra support can vary throughout the different stages of the Program. WE adapt to YOU.

The Master Tailor

Will trusting the “Master Tailor” with a proven track record in the Global Payroll, Human Resources, Legal Entity Management, and International Accounting & Tax space, trying on that Bespoke suit, be the right solution for you?

Take it from a Tailor’s son, when you get the quality of service you expected, see in action that you are in good hands, and receive that made-to-measure transition, you’ll never want to go elsewhere.

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